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Role of entrepreneurship education in increasing competitiveness of an individual (CROSBI ID 577030)

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Oberman Peterka, Suncica ; Alpeza, Mirela ; Delic, Anamarija Role of entrepreneurship education in increasing competitiveness of an individual // Recession from the perspective of globalization / Moczadlo, Regina ; Singer, Slavica (ur.). Osijek: Faculty of Economics in Osijek - Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek ; Hochschule Pforzheim - Pforzheim University, 2011. str. 27-40

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Oberman Peterka, Suncica ; Alpeza, Mirela ; Delic, Anamarija


Role of entrepreneurship education in increasing competitiveness of an individual

The paper is focused on the role of entrepreneurship education in increasing competitiveness of an individual in today's world, where the only constant is rapid change. Global pressures on the society, organizations and individuals are creating a society with greater insecurity, uncertainty and complexity in which survival depends on the ability of the individual to cope with these changes. In light of these changes, it has been shown that entrepreneurial skills, attributes and behaviours, at all levels in society, are crucial for coping with the challenges of life (Gibb and Cotton 1998, Gibb 2002b, Henry et al. 2005). Thereat, entrepreneurship should not be tied exclusively to business activity or personal skills. It implies both, and more than that. There is an almost universal agreement that entrepreneurship fundamentally deals with ways in which individuals and organizations are creating and implementing new ideas and ways of doing business, proactively responding to the environment, thus causing changes, which involve varying degrees of uncertainty and complexity. Education for entrepreneurship should enable students to cope in an uncertain and complex environment, to respond to the challenges they face in the environment, and to be prepared for the jobs of the future, which are summarized by Robert Reich (1991) as follows: "The intellectual equipment needed for the job of the future is an ability to define problems, quickly assimilate relevant data, conceptualize and reorganize the information, make deductive and inductive leaps with it, ask hard questions about it, discuss findings with colleagues, work collaboratively to find solutions and then convince others." This paper will present the results of ten years of entrepreneurship education at Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship at the J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek. The example of this program shows that the need and demand for entrepreneurship education is present (and growing) not only in students of the Faculty of Economics, but also in students from other faculties. It can also be concluded that the awareness of the importance of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills for competitiveness of individuals and companies is present, and that it is reflected through growing demand for entrepreneurship studies by attendants who are coming from companies of various sizes and from various job positions (from managers to trainees).

entrepreneurship education; glaobal changes; competitiveness; entrepreneurial skills; attributes and behaviours

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Moczadlo, Regina ; Singer, Slavica

Osijek: Faculty of Economics in Osijek - Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek ; Hochschule Pforzheim - Pforzheim University


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