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3D Simulation of N-heptane Ignition Using ECFM-3Z Combustion Model and Pre-tabulated Ignition Data (CROSBI ID 577221)

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Ban, Marko ; Priesching, Peter ; Duić, Neven 3D Simulation of N-heptane Ignition Using ECFM-3Z Combustion Model and Pre-tabulated Ignition Data // Conference Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow / Vad, J (ur.). Budimpešta: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2009. str. 627-632

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ban, Marko ; Priesching, Peter ; Duić, Neven


3D Simulation of N-heptane Ignition Using ECFM-3Z Combustion Model and Pre-tabulated Ignition Data

Recent efforts of implementing autoignition tabulated data to AVL's code "FIRE" including cool flame ignition will be presented in this paper, focused on n-heptane as fuel. Current use of n- heptane in combustion simulations did not include the phenomenon of cool flame ignition, and taking it into account could improve simulations of combustion in IC engines, also with wider application spectrum. The methodology of the ignition tabulation procedure has also been proven to work well with different types of fuels. Current methods of auto-ignition computation in AVL's code "FIRE" (used in Extended Coherent Flame Model with three zones approach (ECFM-3Z) combustion model) are based on the extraction of ignition delay times from tabulated data dependent on four parameters: temperature, pressure, air excess ratio and EGR mass fraction. The methods described here were used for creation of new extended tables (including cool flame) using Chemkin package and more complex chemical mechanism. The methods and ideas behind implementing the cool flame data into the ECFM-3Z model will also be presented, as well as a comparison between the temperature fields calculated with ECFM-3Z model on a simple 100 cell mesh and a standalone application using Chemkin package.

CFD; Combustion; Auto-ignition; N-Heptane; Tabulation

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Vad, J

Budimpešta: Budapest University of Technology and Economics


Podaci o skupu

14th International Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow



Budimpešta, Mađarska

Povezanost rada
