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Soft tissue changes after mandibular setback and bimaxillary surgery in Croatians class III patients (CROSBI ID 578075)

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Jokić, Dražen ; Jokić, Davor ; Uglešić, Vedran ; Knežević, Predrag ; Macan, Darko Soft tissue changes after mandibular setback and bimaxillary surgery in Croatians class III patients // Abstract Book of the 9th European Craniofacial Congress (EC2011) / Schachner, Peter (ur.). Beč: Robidruck, 2011. str. 250-250

Podaci o odgovornosti

Jokić, Dražen ; Jokić, Davor ; Uglešić, Vedran ; Knežević, Predrag ; Macan, Darko


Soft tissue changes after mandibular setback and bimaxillary surgery in Croatians class III patients

Treatment of severe Class III malocclusion frequently requires a combination of orthodontics and orthognathic surgical procedures to improve facial esthetics and to harmonize the facial profile. Results of this study showed changes of soft tissue after BSSO or bimaxillary orthognatic surgery with special attention to eliminate deficiences pointed in meta analysis of soft tissue changes by Joss at al.

orthognatic surgery; class III; soft tissuae

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Schachner, Peter

Beč: Robidruck

Podaci o skupu

European Craniofacial Congress (9 ; 2011)



Salzburg, Austrija

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti, Dentalna medicina