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Postoperative Monitoring of Tumor Marker CYFRA21-1 in NSCLC Patients (16 Months follow up Study) (CROSBI ID 476905)

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Pavićević, Radomir ; Miličić, Jasna ; Bubanović, Gordana ; Bobić, Jasminka ; Peričić, Marijana Postoperative Monitoring of Tumor Marker CYFRA21-1 in NSCLC Patients (16 Months follow up Study) // Human Genom Project: Commercial Implications. San Francisco (CA): Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), 2000. str. 27-27-x

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Pavićević, Radomir ; Miličić, Jasna ; Bubanović, Gordana ; Bobić, Jasminka ; Peričić, Marijana


Postoperative Monitoring of Tumor Marker CYFRA21-1 in NSCLC Patients (16 Months follow up Study)

The serum level of CYFRA 21-1 tumor marker has.been longitudinally followed up in 274 patients with NSCLC lung cancer after the surgery and chemotherapy five times during 16 month (before the therapy,1,4,10 and 16 month after the therapy). In 240 surgically treated patients the level of tumor marker CYFRA' 21-1 within 1 to 3 months fell down to the level of healthy population, i.e. 0.3 to 2.5 ng/mL. The increase of the serum level of CYFRA 21-1 was observed 3 months after surgery in 7 patients (6 M, 1 F) who underwent palliative resection. In 26 operated patients during longitudinal follow up we noticed the increase of the serum level of CYFRA 21-1 tumor marker 1 to 3 months before other methods proved the relapse of the disease. In 20 patients the increase of the level of tumor marker CYFRA 21-1 was found at the same time when the relapse of the disease was objectivized with the usual clinical methods. In 6 patients with the long distance metastases (Brain; Liver), without local relapse of the disease, the level of tumor marker CYFRA 21-1 did not increase. Out of 34 patients who were treated only with the chemotherapy in 20 the level of tumor marker Cyfra 21-1 fell down, in 9 the values incieased and in 5 the results were the same as before the applied therapy. According to this results we can conclude that the follow up of tumor marker Cyfra 21-1 in every patient after the therapy is very important, because the increase of its concentration shows possible local relapse of the disease earlier than using other diagnostic methods. Follow up analysis of tumor marker Cyfra 21-1 in patients who were treated with the chemotherapy shows that in 31% patients chemotherapy could not decrease the disease locally. We can also conclude that tumor marker Cyfra 21-1 is necessary in postoperative monitoring in patients with NSCLC, because the increase of its level is a very good sign to detect local relapse. This is the first part of three years longitudinal study.

CYFRA21-1; NSCLC patients; anthropology; population genetics

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San Francisco (CA): Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)

Podaci o skupu

Cambridge Healthtech Institutes Seventh Annual Human Genom Project: Commercial Implications



San Francisco (CA), Sjedinjene Američke Države

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija