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ALarge Acceptance Detector System (LADS) for studies of pion absorption (CROSBI ID 78678)

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Alteholz, T. ; Androić, Darko ; Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Bosnar, Damir ; Breuer, Herbert ; Brković, Alen ; Doebbeling, Hans ; Dooling, Tom ; Fong, W. ; Furić, Miroslav et al. ALarge Acceptance Detector System (LADS) for studies of pion absorption Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research - section A : accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 373 (1996), 374-386-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Alteholz, T. ; Androić, Darko ; Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Bosnar, Damir ; Breuer, Herbert ; Brković, Alen ; Doebbeling, Hans ; Dooling, Tom ; Fong, W. ; Furić, Miroslav ; Gram, Peter ; Gregory, Nick ; Haas, J.P. ; Hoffart, Arnim ; Ingram, Quentin ; Klein, Andew ; Koch, Klaus ; Koehler, Joerg ; Kotlinski, Boghdan ; Kroedel, Mathias ; Kyle, Gary ; Lehmann, Albert ; Lin, Z.N. ; Mahl, G. ; Mateos, Arthur ; Michaelian, Karo ; Mukhopadhyay, S. ; Petković, Tomislav ; Planinić, Mirko ; Redwine, Robert ; Rowntree, David ; Schumacher, Robert ; Sennhauser, Urs ; Šimičević, Neven ; Smit, F.D. ; van der Steenhoven, G. ; Tieger, D.R. ; Trezeciak, Ralf ; Ullrich, Horst ; Wang, Ming ; Wang, Mh. ; Weyer, Heinz ; Wildi, Markus ; Wilson, Kewin


ALarge Acceptance Detector System (LADS) for studies of pion absorption

A Large Acceptance Detector System (LADS) has been designed and built at the Paul Scherrer Institute to study multiparticle final states following pion-nucleus absorption. It consists of a 28-sector cylinder of plastic scintillators of 1.6 m active length and 1.4 m diameter, two cylindrical wire chambers, and two 14-sector plastic scintillator end-caps which close each end. The nearly 4pi solid angle coverage of this detector minimizes uncertaities associated with extrapolations over unmeasured regions of phase space. The design and the performance of the LADS detector are presented.

Large Acceptance Detector System;pion absorption

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