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Migration of the Croats to Burgenland, Austria - an ethnolinguistic study (CROSBI ID 44866)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Sočanac, Lelija Migration of the Croats to Burgenland, Austria - an ethnolinguistic study // From the Russian Rivers to the North Atlantic - Migration, Contact and Linguistic Areas / Ureland, Sture (ur.). Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2010. str. 393-413

Podaci o odgovornosti

Sočanac, Lelija


Migration of the Croats to Burgenland, Austria - an ethnolinguistic study

The article outlines a history of the Burganland Croats in Austria and presents results of a small-scale sociolinguistic survey concerning language use that was carried out at two bilingual Croatian-German schools in Burgenland, Austria. The research focuses on self-evaluation of German/Croatian language competence, language use in different linguistic domains, frequency of language use and linguistic attitudes.

Burganland Croatian, language maintenance, language shift

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Podaci o knjizi

Ureland, Sture

Berlin: Logos Verlag



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