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The Importance of the Place - the Example of the Open Air Theatre in Opatija (CROSBI ID 580757)

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Vahtar-Jurković, Koraljka ; Obad Šćitaroci, Mladen ; Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Bojana The Importance of the Place - the Example of the Open Air Theatre in Opatija // Importance of place / Kudumović, Lana ; Idrizbegović-Zgonić, Aida (ur.). (ur.). Sarajevo, 2011

Podaci o odgovornosti

Vahtar-Jurković, Koraljka ; Obad Šćitaroci, Mladen ; Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci Bojana


The Importance of the Place - the Example of the Open Air Theatre in Opatija

In this paper, the importance of place is explained on the example of Opatija’s open air summer theatre, which was to be demolished in order to build a new congress centre. This attempt was met with disapproval from the experts as well as the citizens of Opatija, which stopped the project. Recently, the plans for covering the popular theatre with a mobile roof have been set in motion, to allow its use all year round. The example of Opatija’s open air summer theatre is a proof of not only the importance of some locations and buildings as urbanistic, ambient and architectural heritage, but also their importance as public places. Therefore, the decisions on their conservation and protection have to be made with the approval of the local community.

Opatija; open air theatre; importance of place; social impact; urban regeneration

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kudumović, Lana ; Idrizbegović-Zgonić, Aida (ur.).



Podaci o skupu

4th H&MH Conference Importance of Place



Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Povezanost rada

Arhitektura i urbanizam