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Jacqueline Visconti/ed, Language and Law: Levels of Analysis (CROSBI ID 178311)

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Sočanac, Lelija Jacqueline Visconti/ed, Language and Law: Levels of Analysis // Zeitschrift für europäische Rechtslinguistik, 2 (2010),

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Sočanac, Lelija


Jacqueline Visconti/ed, Language and Law: Levels of Analysis

The book Lingua e diritto: Livelli di analisi brings together contributions by scholars from different fields: anthropology, theory and philosophy of law, comparative law, European law, translation, discourse analysis, pragmatics, morpho-syntax and cognitive linguistics. Contributions deal with a number of issues situated at the interface between language and law: questions of meaning and the interpretation of legal texts, the nature of legal interpretation, problems of ambiguity and vagueness in legal texts, the characteristics of legal language, legal terminology and the multilingualism of European law.

law; language

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