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Danube Civil Society Forum (DCSF) – an example of initiative to connect the Danube Region and opportunities of Croatia to promote culture and tourism in the framework of Danube Strategy (CROSBI ID 45020)

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Demonja, Damir ; Tihana Stepinac Fabijanić Danube Civil Society Forum (DCSF) – an example of initiative to connect the Danube Region and opportunities of Croatia to promote culture and tourism in the framework of Danube Strategy // Danube Strategy – Strategic Significance for Serbia / Jeftić Šarčević, Nevenka ; Stojić Karanović, Edita (ur.). Beograd: Institut za međunarodnu politiku i gospodarstvo, 2012. str. 233-252

Podaci o odgovornosti

Demonja, Damir ; Tihana Stepinac Fabijanić


Danube Civil Society Forum (DCSF) – an example of initiative to connect the Danube Region and opportunities of Croatia to promote culture and tourism in the framework of Danube Strategy

Danube Strategy is one of the most important initiatives of the European Union intended to realize the unused potential of economic and social development of the Europe's largest river waterway. Strategy has the task to strengthen territorial cooperation and interaction between the Danube regions, to ensure sustainable development of each region through better transport and social cohesion, environmental protection, raising the level of education, culture, human rights, tourism, security, energy, labor, minorities, etc., as well as to build prosperity and strengthen institutional cooperation within the region. The Danube Strategy project provides Croatia with new opportunities for strengthening its economy, regional cooperation and development of infrastructure. Local and regional initiatives are very important initiators of sustainable development of the Danube Region. The Danube Civil Society Forum (DCSF), established in Eisenstadt, Austria, in July 2011, is an example that stands out. DCSF is a network of NGOs, civil society organizations of the Danube basin with the intention to act as a platform in promoting and increasing the participation of civil society and their networking within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Accordingly, this article presents and analyzes the structure, objectives, tasks and methods of work of the DCSF, as well as the role of Croatia in the respective network, especially in the segments of culture and tourism. Rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of the Danube basin can be further exploited through joint activities in the improved tourism offer that Strategy promotes, while, in general, the Danube microcosm of people, languages and religions is an excellent platform for a wider cultural, educational and scientific cooperation, promotion of intercultural dialogue and strengthening civil society. Thus, the Danube can become a “European brand” and strengthen the identity of the inhabitants in the region. In this sense, the article presents Croatian projects important for the promotion of Croatian culture and tourism, such as, for example, archaeological parks Vučedol and Sopot, “The Cultural Map of the Danube”, “The Limits of Roman Empires – Limes”, “The Danube Bicycle Route EuroVelo6”, and others, as priority development projects of Croatian Danube within the Danube strategy.

Danube Strategy, Danube Civil Society Forum (DCSF), Danube Region, Croatia, culture, tourism

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Podaci o knjizi

Jeftić Šarčević, Nevenka ; Stojić Karanović, Edita

Beograd: Institut za međunarodnu politiku i gospodarstvo



Povezanost rada

Povijest umjetnosti, Etnologija i antropologija