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Human Resources Management in Western Balkan Countries: New Promises and Old Diseases (CROSBI ID 582116)

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Koprić, Ivan Human Resources Management in Western Balkan Countries: New Promises and Old Diseases. 2011

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Koprić, Ivan


Human Resources Management in Western Balkan Countries: New Promises and Old Diseases

Human resources management (HRM) and human potentials development (HPD) are concepts that work in a similar context, but have different orientations. “Resources” implicates that people in public service are mostly a passive organizational element that should be connected with other elements, such as financial and material resources and the like, for results to be produced. “Potentials” means that public managers and servants are first of all human beings with a lot of competences, talents and capacity to be developed by means of training, education, personnel development, organizational culture development, etc. Marčetić distinguishes managerial model of human resources management and integral model of human potentials management and development. The phrase “human potential development” is used to express precisely the standpoint according to which people in the public sector are worth developing and are not “pure bureaucrats”. It is worth noticing that WPSR 2005, although it uses the phrase HRM, stresses human potentials in the very title – Unlocking Human Potential for Public Sector Performance. HRM is characterized by the several components, such as: flexibility and managerial discretion, decentralisation in managing civil service structures, pay for performance, performance measurement, etc. HPD comprises, for example, the development of competences (skills, knowledge), talent management, training and education, improvement of organisational culture, and similar soft methods of approaching the human factor in administrative organisations. Two empirical studies were conducted in 2008 and 2009, commissioned by the Western Balkan Human Resource Management Community of Practice. On the basis of these studies, several theses can be elaborated and supported, although further investigation is necessary.

human resources management; human potentials development; Western Balkan countries

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IPSA RC 32 International Conference: „Developing Policy in Different Cultural Contexts: Learning from Study, Learning from Experience“ (suorganizatori Institut za javnu upravu, Hrvatsko politološko društvo, Sveučilište u Zagrebu)



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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