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The Lisbon Treaty as the first step towards the European Criminal Court (CROSBI ID 582231)

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Herceg, Barbara ; Vuletić, Igor The Lisbon Treaty as the first step towards the European Criminal Court // The role of national criminal law in the European Union area and the alternative resolution of criminal, Section of Criminal Law. Bratislava: Comenius University Bratislava, 2011. str. 171-180

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Herceg, Barbara ; Vuletić, Igor


The Lisbon Treaty as the first step towards the European Criminal Court

The Lisbon Treaty established a supranational authority in the field of criminal law and criminal procedure. All the changes adopted by the Lisbon Treaty can be reduced to a common denominator, which is greater harmonisation oft he criminal system and removing barriers to cooperation in criminal matters. One of the most important news is the creation of legal preconditions for the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor, as a body with authority over the whole territory oft he EU. This idea has its roots in the Corpus Juris and Green Book on criminal protection system of the financial interests of the European Union , so that the establishment of a European Prosecutor by the Lisbon Treaty is the ultimate realization. In this paper we will express our thoughts on whether there is, in general, need to establish a special european criminal court and whether the Lisbon Treaty the first step in that direction.

The Lisbon Treaty; supranacional court; supranacional criminal law; Europol; Eurojust; organised crime; financial interests

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The role of national criminal law in the European Union area and the alternative resolution of criminal



Bratislava, Slovačka

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