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3D Approach for Spur Gear Stress Evaluation (CROSBI ID 89924)

Prilog u časopisu | prethodno priopćenje

Marunić, Gordana 3D Approach for Spur Gear Stress Evaluation // Strojarstvo : časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu, 42 (2000), 5,6; 249-254-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Marunić, Gordana


3D Approach for Spur Gear Stress Evaluation

The state of the stress in spur involute gear tooth was determined by use of 3D Finite Element Method. In order to examine the differences related to the usually accepted 2D stress analysis approach, the distribution and relationship between tangential stress component, equvalent Von Mises stress and axial stress in the direction of the gear axis, in the fillet area along the tooth facewidth, were investigated. The stress analysis was performed considering the gears of various geometric parameters: the number of the teeth, addendum modification factor, the rim thickness and the tooth facewidth.

Finite Element Method; Spur Gear; Stress Analysis

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42 (5,6)





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