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Can Flexible Integration be a Pattern for Making Progress in the EUs Eastern Neighborhood? (CROSBI ID 45261)

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Butković, Hrvoje Can Flexible Integration be a Pattern for Making Progress in the EUs Eastern Neighborhood? // Multi-speed Europe / Kellerhals, Andreas ; Baumgartner, Tobias (ur.). Zürich: Schulthess Juristische Medien, 2012. str. 131-146

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Butković, Hrvoje


Can Flexible Integration be a Pattern for Making Progress in the EUs Eastern Neighborhood?

After the fifth enlargement the EU introduced its “European Neighborhood Policy” (ENP) with the aim of preventing the emergence of new dividing lines in Europe and promoting stability and prosperity within and beyond the EU. The policy was built on imitation of the enlargement template. However, unlike with enlargement the EU was not able to introduce strong conditionality towards the addressed countries because the ENP documents avoided stressing any direct links between the ENP process and the EU membership leaving the final outcome of this process open. Focusing on the ENP countries in the East in particular it seems that initially high expectations have been matched with a very limited progress on the ground. In order for the EU not to loose its credibility it needs to revive its policy towards its eastern neighborhood. Theoretical concept of flexible integration can serve as a tool for implementing that task. At the moment flexible integration is tied to its conservative interpretations in the treaties. However, due to high level of diversity between member states the importance of flexibility in the EU system is likely to increase, which eventually might lead to different interpretations in the treaties and a new ENP related to the concept of flexible integration.

European Neighborhood Policy, flexible integration, partial integration, EU conditionality

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Podaci o knjizi

Kellerhals, Andreas ; Baumgartner, Tobias

Zürich: Schulthess Juristische Medien



Povezanost rada

Ekonomija, Pravo, Politologija