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Comparison of international versus local reference data for the anthropometric assessment of nutritional status in Croatian adults (CROSBI ID 477334)

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Smolej Narančić, Nina Comparison of international versus local reference data for the anthropometric assessment of nutritional status in Croatian adults // 10th Congress of the European Anthropological Association ; Advances in Methodologies in Anthropology / - (ur.). Brisel: Free University Brussels, 1996. str. 85-x

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Smolej Narančić, Nina


Comparison of international versus local reference data for the anthropometric assessment of nutritional status in Croatian adults

Age- and sex-specific percentile distributions for the body mass index (weight/height2), subscapular skinfold, upper arm anthropometric mesures (upper arm muscle area and upper arm fat index) and elbow breadth of Croatian adults from the Dalmatian area were obtained from cross-sectional data collected in the period from 1981 to 1987. The sample comprised 4495 subjects of both sexes which is 17% of the studied population. The empirical percentile distributions were compared to the corresponding distributions for white U.S. adults in the NHANES surveys using Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test. The frame size, indicated by the elbow breadth, and muscularity, indicated by the upper arm muscle area, are comparable in the Croatian sample and the widely used U.S. reference data. Systematic and significant differences exist in the body fatness and body fat distribution. Croatian adults have generally greater body fatness, as measured by the body mass index, more fat on their trunks, as measured by the subscapular skinfold, and less fat on their arms, as measured by the upper arm fat index, than do the U.S. subjects. Thus, while the international reference data are highly useful for the inter-populational comparisons, the local reference data appear to be more appropriate for the body composition and nutritional assessment of other groups of Croatian adults.

nutritional status; Croatia; population genetics; anthropology

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10th Congress of the European Anthropological Association ; Advances in Methodologies in Anthropology



Bruxelles, Belgija

Povezanost rada

Etnologija i antropologija