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Determination of a Hydrostatic System Efficiency (CROSBI ID 89955)

Prilog u časopisu | prethodno priopćenje

Siminiati, Dubravka Determination of a Hydrostatic System Efficiency // Engineering review (Technical Faculty University of Rijeka), 19 (1999), 15-25-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Siminiati, Dubravka


Determination of a Hydrostatic System Efficiency

This paper deals, in a specific way, with a hydrostatic system efficiency. During hydrostatic energy transmission, as a result of numerous components required for system functioning, losses are great. Because of that the values and types of resistance in the components must be known. Such data enable optimisation of flow rate, i.e. right selection of a generator of hydraulic energy, and achieving maximum efficiency in the existing configuration.

hydrostatic systems;resistance;efficiency

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