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A decision support system for hydro power plants in markets for energy and ancillary services (CROSBI ID 582844)

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Štefan, Željko ; Brezovec, Miljenko ; Munđar, Dušan A decision support system for hydro power plants in markets for energy and ancillary services // Energy Market (EEM), 2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (IEEE Conference). 2011. str. 442-447

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Štefan, Željko ; Brezovec, Miljenko ; Munđar, Dušan


A decision support system for hydro power plants in markets for energy and ancillary services

This paper analyses solutions for optimal bidding for hydro units operating in simultaneous markets for energy and ancillary services and decision making process for plant refurbishment and generating capacity upgrade. Methodology based on the Decision Theory will be applied to identify the optimal solutions which minimize the expected costs and the related risks. The proposed methodology will be demonstrated for a real hydropower plant in Croatia (Varazdin HPP) which will be refurbished.

hydro optimization ; ancillary service ; energy market ; decision theory ; decision making process

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8th International Conference on the European Energy Market- Energy Market (EEM), 2011



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Elektrotehnika, Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti