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Evaluation of the chromatic adaptation effect intensity by "tuning" the desaturated achromatic reproductions printed in the offset (CROSBI ID 180997)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Milković, Marin ; Mrvac, Nikola ; Vusić, Damir Evaluation of the chromatic adaptation effect intensity by "tuning" the desaturated achromatic reproductions printed in the offset // Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku, 18 (2011), 4; 519-528

Podaci o odgovornosti

Milković, Marin ; Mrvac, Nikola ; Vusić, Damir


Evaluation of the chromatic adaptation effect intensity by "tuning" the desaturated achromatic reproductions printed in the offset

This paper describes the interrelationships between the chromatic adaptation effects, the standard rendering methods and the perception of desaturated achromatic reproductions obtained by offset printing. In order to establish the influence of the effects of chromatic adaptation in given variables visual systems of respondents have been adapted (by observing the three types of adaptation forms cyan, magenta and yellow) in predefined time frame. By comparing the reference sample and the prints obtained after the adaptation of the respondents – printer – the chromatic adaptation effect intensity has been measured in real terms of graphic production using the phenomenon of gray balance. The research results indicate the existence of the interdependence of the studied parameters, and further need for the research associated with the impact the effect has on certain segments of graphic production.

chromatic adaptation; gray balance; offset; rendering

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Grafička tehnologija
