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The role of creativity and innovation in implementation of franchising business model in Croatia (CROSBI ID 585817)

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Alpeza, Mirela ; Perić, Julia, Šoltić, Ana The role of creativity and innovation in implementation of franchising business model in Croatia // Potentials of creative industries / Rebernik, Miroslav ; Bradač Hojnik, Barbara ; Rus, Matej (ur.). Maribor: IRP Institute for Entrepreneurship Research, 2012. str. 7-18

Podaci o odgovornosti

Alpeza, Mirela ; Perić, Julia, Šoltić, Ana


The role of creativity and innovation in implementation of franchising business model in Croatia

Academic research in the field of franchising has been conducted for over 20 years, but it intensified in the 2000s, focusing on the global context. It has become an increasingly interesting business concept, with aspects and variables attracting attention from researchers in several specific fields: in entrepreneurship, since it represents a driving force in starting a business venture ; in marketing, representing the main distribution channel in emerging economies ; in strategic management, as an important form of organization ; and in finance, through capital investment structures of franchise businesses. The current academic debate on franchising is based on the questioning of the relationship between franchising and entrepreneurship imposing the importance of the concepts of opportunity recognition, risk, organizational size, stage of organizational development, and organizational autonomy which need to be taken into account when studying franchising. The objective of this paper is to explore the role of creativity and innovation as main characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior in implementation of franchising business model in Croatia. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of creativity and innovation in coping with obstacles and challenges at the macro level (lack of regulatory framework and franchising institutional support infrastructure). The identified obstacles will be further used for identifying policy recommendations.

franchising ; entrepreneurship ; creativity ; innovation

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Rebernik, Miroslav ; Bradač Hojnik, Barbara ; Rus, Matej

Maribor: IRP Institute for Entrepreneurship Research


Podaci o skupu

PODIM - 32nd Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation



Maribor, Slovenija

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