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Sustainability (CROSBI ID 46333)

Prilog u knjizi | ostalo

Koppen, S. ; Rettenemaier, N. ; Domac, J. ; Kajba, D. ; Schorb, A. ; Segon, V. Sustainability // Biomass Resource Assessment Handbook, Harmonisation of Biomass Resource Assessments, Best Practices and Methods Handbook / Vis, Martijn ; Dees, Matthias (ur.). Freiburg, 2010. str. 172-198

Podaci o odgovornosti

Koppen, S. ; Rettenemaier, N. ; Domac, J. ; Kajba, D. ; Schorb, A. ; Segon, V.



Existing biomass resource assessments use a broad variety of approaches, methodologies, assumptions and datasets that lead to different estimates of future biomass potentials. In this report a detailed overview of approaches, methodologies and datasets used in existing biomass assessments is compiled and similarities and differences are evaluated. Also synergies of combining various approaches methodologies and datasets are identified, as well as remaining gaps in knowledge and data. The results form the basis of the development of a harmonised approach and harmonisation measures that will be developed in a later phase. First, a database of circa 250 bioenergy potential assessments was compiled, out of which 28 studies were selected for detailed analysis. The 28 studies were chosen so that they, among others, cover the variability found in the literature with respect to the type of biomass, the type of bioenergy potential and the approach and methodology. Table A shows the categorisation of the approaches and methodologies that are distinguished in this study.

Biomass energy

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Podaci o prilogu



Podaci o knjizi

Vis, Martijn ; Dees, Matthias




Povezanost rada
