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St Clement of Rome : The Romanic-Slavic Symbiosis of the Cult and its Tradition in the Croatian Lands (CROSBI ID 46361)

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Zaradija Kiš, Antonija St Clement of Rome : The Romanic-Slavic Symbiosis of the Cult and its Tradition in the Croatian Lands // Topodynamics of Arrival. Essays on Self and Pilgrimage / Hofmann, Gert ; Zorić, Snježana (ur.). Amsterdam : New York (NY): Rodopi, 2012. str. 71-91

Podaci o odgovornosti

Zaradija Kiš, Antonija


St Clement of Rome : The Romanic-Slavic Symbiosis of the Cult and its Tradition in the Croatian Lands

The territory of Croatia is marked by a host of hagiotoponyms that are often characterized by a rich folk Christian tradition and local pilgrimages, sometimes almost unknown to the broad public. They bear a thousand years of reverence of Christian saints through which one can read off many important historical events and cultural shifts that have sunk into oblivion today. Their evocation uncovers a treasure chest of testimonies whose powerful faith, narratives and legends strengthen the expression of distinctness and autochthony - the sacrosanct work of folk philosophy that has been transmitted through the generations, despite technological development and the dynamics of the life of which we are a part. It was in that sense that the Institute of Art History in Zagreb compiled a computer program of hagiotopography by which one is able in a speedy and effective manner to identify all the hagiotoponyms with the basic geographical, ecclesiastical, temporal, stylistic and patronage characteristics of localities that bear the name of particular Christian saints. Based on that program and studies to date on veneration of Pope (Bishop) Clement of Rome, we shall endeavor to cast more light on the importance of this Early Christian saint's cult, its dissemination throughout Croatian territory and the significance of his tradition today.

St Clement of Rome, Croatia, hagiotoponymi, tradition, Hvar, Krk, Zadar, Poljica, Brač, Makarska

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Podaci o knjizi

Hofmann, Gert ; Zorić, Snježana

Amsterdam : New York (NY): Rodopi



Povezanost rada

Teologija, Povijest, Etnologija i antropologija
