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Evolutionary measurement-estimation method for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises based on estimation objects (CROSBI ID 185035)

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Čelar, Stipo ; Vicković, Linda ; Mudnić, Eugen Evolutionary measurement-estimation method for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises based on estimation objects // Advances in production engineering & management, 7 (2012), 2; 81-92

Podaci o odgovornosti

Čelar, Stipo ; Vicković, Linda ; Mudnić, Eugen


Evolutionary measurement-estimation method for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises based on estimation objects

In the early phase of software project (in the analyses or user requirements specification phase) there are little measurable software artefacts as well as little time for measurements. Reliable software size estimation in such early project phase significantly influence estimation reliability of other project parameters (like effort, duration or cost) and overall project success rate. This paper presents evolutionary method for estimation objects development based on historical measurement data. Estimation objects, recognized from the measurement data in three steps, are classified according their attributes into hierarchy dimensions. Estimation objects are enterprise native and easy for use in early software size estimation. Also, in the paper case study results from the SME applying Function Points for Functional Size Measurement (FSM) are described but the method is independent of FSM or functional size unit.

Functional Size Measurement (FSM) ; Early Software Size Estimation ; Function Point ; Estimation Objects ; Small and medium-sized Enterprise (SME)

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