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Important variations in sonic appartus morphology and sound characteritics of Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae) (CROSBI ID 588296)

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Kever, Loic ; Dragičević, Branko ; Dulčić, Jakov ; Parmentier, Eric Important variations in sonic appartus morphology and sound characteritics of Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae) // Program and Abstracts: 14th European Congress of Ichthyology (ECI-14) / Poncin, P. ; Parmentier, E, ; Paquer, F. et al. (ur.). Liege: University of Liege, 2012. str. 114-114

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kever, Loic ; Dragičević, Branko ; Dulčić, Jakov ; Parmentier, Eric


Important variations in sonic appartus morphology and sound characteritics of Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae)

Despite sounds were recorded in few Ophidiiform species the importance of acousctic communication in this taxa is well supported by morphological data. In Ophidiidae, there is an important sexual dimorphism in sonic apparatus but sounds were never recorded from females. Sounds, in Ophidion rochei, were made by males, females and juveniles. The call signature could be divided in two principal types. The high complexity of the male sound producing anatomy suggests the important role of acoustic communication in this species.

sonic apparatus; morphology; sound; Ophidion rochei

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Poncin, P. ; Parmentier, E, ; Paquer, F. ; Pequex, A, ; Wanson, S.

Liege: University of Liege

Podaci o skupu

XIV European Congress of Ichthyology



Liège, Belgija

Povezanost rada
