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Tramata fishing - an efficient method of fishingh for Sparidae species (CROSBI ID 588424)

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Dulčić, Jakov ; Dragičević, Branko ; Matić-Skoko, Sanja ; Kraljeivć, Miro ; Pallaoro, Armin ; Tutman, Pero Tramata fishing - an efficient method of fishingh for Sparidae species // 6th World Fisheries Congress Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World / Huntingford, Felicity (ur.). Edinburgh: The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, 2012

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Dulčić, Jakov ; Dragičević, Branko ; Matić-Skoko, Sanja ; Kraljeivć, Miro ; Pallaoro, Armin ; Tutman, Pero


Tramata fishing - an efficient method of fishingh for Sparidae species

(Croatian) Adriatic coast. It is used mainly for harvesting of Sparidae species which are among the most valued species in Croatia. The fact that large quantities of high valued fish are being harvested using this method, provokes a constant controversy and antagonism and scientific approach is needed to evaluate real impact of this method on local fish communities. The result of this fishing technique is usually a high quantity of large sparids. The fact that large quantities of highly valued fishes are being harvested provokes a constant controversy and antagonism towards this fishing technique. The results showed that in 12 analysed catches, sparids were dominant family making up 94, 1% in weight and 82, 8% of all the caught fish in number. Most dominant species were Oblada melanura and Sarpa salpa which made 65, 6% of all the encountered species in weight and 79, 4% in number. Highly valued species, Dentex dentex, contributed with 16, 6% in weight, but only 2, 2% in number. Assessment of the impact of the fishing gear on coastal communities was evaluated according to the number of immature (smaller than the length at first maturity) specimens in the catch. Percentage of immature specimens encountered (at length where 50% of population is immature) for three dominant species in weight (O. melanura, S. salpa, D. dentex) was very low, only 2.7% all together. Larger percentages were recorded for species of Diplodus genus (Diplodus sargus - 33, 3%, Diplodus vulgaris - 45, 9% and Diplodus puntazzo - 20, 2%) and Spondyliosoma cantharus - 72, 9%, but these values could be tolerated because of the low portion in the total catch in numbers, only 13, 5% and 11, 2% in weight. These values could support the fact that "tramata" fishing is highly selective and it's harmful effects could be regarded as acceptable. However, "tramata" fishing season is overlapping with the spawning period of Oblada melanura (July) and Diplodus puntazzo (end of August) and the impact of fishing on these species should be further evaluated. Furthermore, seabreams are the most valuable fish in the Eastern Adriatic, therefore, "tramata" catches can be highly lucrative which may lead to its abuse in sense of illegal fishing operations (help of scuba divers, forbidden gears and areas, fishing operations out of the fishing season.

tramata fishing; sparidae; Adriatic Sea

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Huntingford, Felicity

Edinburgh: The Fisheries Society of the British Isles

Podaci o skupu

6th World Fisheries Congress Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World



Edinburgh, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

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