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Circular cubics and quartics obtained as pedal curves of conics in pseudo-Euclidean plane (CROSBI ID 588720)

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Katić Žlepalo, Mirela ; Jurkin, Ema Circular cubics and quartics obtained as pedal curves of conics in pseudo-Euclidean plane // The 15th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics (ICGG 2012) - Proceedings / Zsombor-Murray, Paul ; Sprecher, Aaron ; Angeles, Bruno (ur.). Montréal, 2012. str. 341-347

Podaci o odgovornosti

Katić Žlepalo, Mirela ; Jurkin, Ema


Circular cubics and quartics obtained as pedal curves of conics in pseudo-Euclidean plane

We are analyzing pedal curves of conics in pseudo-euclidean plane. The aim of this paper is to determine the conditions that the generating conic has to fulfill in order to obtain a circular cubic or quartic of a certain type. We intend to show that whenever a quartic is obtained as a pedal curve of a conic, it can only be with the type of circularity (2, 2) while a cubic can be either with the type (2, 1) or (1, 1). The emphasis will be put on the curves with no analogue in the Euclidean plane.

pseudo-Euclidean plane; pedal curve; circular curve; conic; cubic; quartic

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Zsombor-Murray, Paul ; Sprecher, Aaron ; Angeles, Bruno



Podaci o skupu

The 15th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics



Montréal, Kanada

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