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Innovative low cost fibre-reinforced concrete. Part II: Fracture toughness and impact strength (CROSBI ID 589240)

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Krolo, J. ; Damjanovic, D. ; Duvnjak, I. ; Bjegovic, D. ; Lakusic, S. ; Baricevic, A. Innovative low cost fibre-reinforced concrete. Part II: Fracture toughness and impact strength // Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III / Alexander, M.G. ; Beushausen, H.-D. ; Dehn, F. et al. (ur.). CRC Press ; A.A. Balkema Publishers, 2012. str. 204-209

Podaci o odgovornosti

Krolo, J. ; Damjanovic, D. ; Duvnjak, I. ; Bjegovic, D. ; Lakusic, S. ; Baricevic, A.


Innovative low cost fibre-reinforced concrete. Part II: Fracture toughness and impact strength

Previous investigations acknowledged that reinforcement of concrete with randomly distributed short fibres may improve the energy absorption during static and dynamic loading by comparison to ordinary concrete. This paper presents fibre-reinforced composite concrete, consisting of recycled steel fibres and recycled rubber in combination with industrial steel fibres. As a yield of tire recycling, steel fibres and rubber were obtained and used as by-products in composite concrete. Experimental investigation included six concrete mixtures with ratio of industrial to recycled fibres 100/0 %, 50/50 % and 0/100 %, with or without the addition of recycled rubber. Toughness and impact strength were investigated on the concrete elements consisting of various ratios of the industrial and recycled fibres with addition of recycled rubber particles. Fracture toughness test was performed on single edge notch bend specimen (SENB or three-point bend). During static loading crack opening and its increase was recorded continuously by means of two LVDT sensors. During impact testing hammer was dropped at the specimens from the specified height. Test configuration included force measurement with sampling frequency of 50 kHz. Test results include toughness, impact resistance and other important properties of fracture mechanics.

waste tyres; recycled steel fibres; recycled rubber

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Alexander, M.G. ; Beushausen, H.-D. ; Dehn, F. ; Moyo, P.

CRC Press ; A.A. Balkema Publishers


Podaci o skupu

The third International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting



Cape Town, Južnoafrička Republika

Povezanost rada

Građevinarstvo, Temeljne tehničke znanosti