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Behavior of Varaždin Secondary Level Education Students on Facebook (CROSBI ID 589834)

Prilog sa skupa u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Kapić, Matija ; Gregurec, Iva ; Delić, Alen Behavior of Varaždin Secondary Level Education Students on Facebook // Central European conference on information and intelligent systems / Hunjak, Tihomir ; Lovrenčić, Sandra ; Tomičić, Igor (ur.). 2012. str. 233-238

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kapić, Matija ; Gregurec, Iva ; Delić, Alen


Behavior of Varaždin Secondary Level Education Students on Facebook

We are facing a great impact of social networks on our daily functioning. Part of that is the influence of social networks on our education systems. This paper gives an overview of Facebook impact as a social network in specific, as well as the results of the study we carried out in Varazdin. The aim of the study and this paper was to find out for what purposes students at the second level of education (high schools) use Facebook when it comes to their school obligations. The results that are shown in this paper can be easily used throughout institutions that are responsible for education systems (especially schools) in order for them to adopt curriculums and information sharing in a way that is most suitable for their students. Future research studies can as well be carried out based on this paper.

Facebook; education; student attitudes

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Hunjak, Tihomir ; Lovrenčić, Sandra ; Tomičić, Igor

Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


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Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems




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