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Intensity evaluation of the spreading and simultaneous contrast effects based on the dotted White’s samples (CROSBI ID 186662)

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Milković Marin ; Matijević Mile ; Mrvac Nikola Intensity evaluation of the spreading and simultaneous contrast effects based on the dotted White’s samples // Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku, 19 (2012), 3; 521-529

Podaci o odgovornosti

Milković Marin ; Matijević Mile ; Mrvac Nikola


Intensity evaluation of the spreading and simultaneous contrast effects based on the dotted White’s samples

Systems and methods of visual communication, which the processes of graphic reproduction are based on, are developed on a daily basis with new ideas related to the research results of certain psychophysical visual effects. Consequently, modern trends in this area are directed towards determining the difference in the quality of graphic reproductions in case of events of different psychophysical visual effects. This paper presents a conducted research of the influence of visual effects of spreading and simultaneous contrast which cause shift in the colour appearance (different combinations of primary colours of additive and subtractive synthesis) of the stimulus in the White’s effect (Groundal dotted illusion) on the test patterns printed by using four standard methods of rendering. The evaluation was conducted using visual assessment technique, simultaneous binocular teaming.

colour; simultaneous contrast; spreading; rendering; White’s effect

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Grafička tehnologija, Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti
