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Geographic distribution of gobies (Gobiidae) in the Adriatic Sea with thirteen new records for its southern part (CROSBI ID 186789)

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Kovačić, Marcelo ; Šanda, Radek ; Kirinčić, Marin ; Zanella, Davor Geographic distribution of gobies (Gobiidae) in the Adriatic Sea with thirteen new records for its southern part // Cybium, 36 (2012), 3; 435-445

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Kovačić, Marcelo ; Šanda, Radek ; Kirinčić, Marin ; Zanella, Davor


Geographic distribution of gobies (Gobiidae) in the Adriatic Sea with thirteen new records for its southern part

Prior to the present study, the gobiid biodiversity of the Adriatic Sea varied significantly between the northern (98% of the known Adriatic gobiid biodiversity) and central (89%) as compared to the southern Adriatic Sea (39%). Thirteen species are newly recorded for the southern Adriatic area and one for the central Adriatic. The relatively small collecting effort in this survey produced a large increase in the known gobiid biodiversity, which suggests that the low number of known Adriatic gobiid species in the southern Adriatic mirrors only sampling intensity and not the real species richness of the area. The gobiid zoogeography in the Adriatic is compared with that of the Mediterranean.

new records; zoogeography; Gobiidae; Adriatic Sea

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