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New Direction Based (Fundamental) Periods of RC Frames Using Genetic Algorithms (CROSBI ID 590648)

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Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana ; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Morić, Dragan ; Draganić, Hrvoje New Direction Based (Fundamental) Periods of RC Frames Using Genetic Algorithms // 15 World Conference of Earthquake Engineering. Lisabon, 2012

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Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana ; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Morić, Dragan ; Draganić, Hrvoje


New Direction Based (Fundamental) Periods of RC Frames Using Genetic Algorithms

Expressions for estimating the fundamental period provided by Building Codes are generally given as a function of building height, building type (frame or shear wall), etc. Although these equations are widely used in practice, it has been indicated that they can be improved. A difference in the period of an RC frame structure is also noticed depending on whether the longitudinal or transverse direction of the structure is considered. We propose new expressions for fundamental periods of regular RC frames which take into account the direction of the structure considered, by performing nonlinear regression analysis using genetic algorithms on 600 different models of RC framed structures.

fundamental period; RC frame; genetic algorithm; regular structures

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15 World Conference of Earthquake Engineering



Lisabon, Portugal

Povezanost rada

Građevinarstvo, Računarstvo