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EDABS: Software for Earthquake Damage Analysis of Building Structures (CROSBI ID 590650)

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Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana ; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Morić, Dragan EDABS: Software for Earthquake Damage Analysis of Building Structures // ISRERM'2012 International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management. Yokohama, 2012

Podaci o odgovornosti

Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana ; Nyarko, Emmanuel Karlo ; Morić, Dragan


EDABS: Software for Earthquake Damage Analysis of Building Structures

EDABS is a computer program specifically designed for fast Earthquake Damage Analysis of Building Structures using only the structural dimensions of buildings, structure type and the peak earthquake ground acceleration as input. The output of the program is the Damage Ratio (DR) coefficient which is a numerical value indicating the level of structural damage. A detailed analysis of the dynamic properties of reinforced frame and wall structures, as well as post elastic parameters of vertical and horizontal structural elements using available databases of experiments is performed. Based on the results, a program that relates structural dimensions and seismic loads with the dynamic properties of structures and the DR coefficient is created and presented. This allows for a relatively simple and fast analysis of potential seismic vulnerability of larger urban areas which is useful for Damage Analysis and Assessment as well as for Insurance and Risk Management.

Damage Ratio (DR) coefficient; Earthquake Damage Analysis; RC Structures

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Podaci o skupu

ISRERM'2012 International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management



Yokohama, Japan

Povezanost rada

Građevinarstvo, Računarstvo