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Visualization of dynamic spatiotemporal data (CROSBI ID 591475)

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Balkić, Zoran ; Keser, Tomislav ; Martinović, Goran Visualization of dynamic spatiotemporal data // Scientific Electrotechnical Conference Science in Practice 2012 : proceedings. 2012

Podaci o odgovornosti

Balkić, Zoran ; Keser, Tomislav ; Martinović, Goran


Visualization of dynamic spatiotemporal data

Visualization of dynamically changing data is one of the most important tasks in today’s information systems. Due to the increase in capacity to record vast amount of data provided by modern technologies (GPS and remote sensing), the number and size of dynamic spatiotemporal data are increasing rapidly. Using modern software and hardware systems this paper presents simple but powerful method of data acquisition, storage and visualization based on spatiotemporal nature of all data. With the rapid development of the Internet in the recent years, web services are among the most powerful tools to collect and disseminate data and specifically data with spatiotemporal component. This method is not limited to the real world objects but could be applied to virtual environments as well, which are beyond capacity of human senses and our perception of the real world.

spatiotemporal data ; interactive visualization ; GPS ; embedded systems ; web services

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Scientific Electrotechnical Conference Science in Practice



Pečuh, Mađarska

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