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Introduction and Commentaries (CROSBI ID 47000)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Migotti, Branka Introduction and Commentaries // The Archaeology of Roman Southern Pannonia. The state of research and selected problems in the Croatian part of the Roman province of Pannonia / Migotti, Branka (ur.). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012. str. 1-27

Podaci o odgovornosti

Migotti, Branka


Introduction and Commentaries

Roman archaelogy od the Croatian part of southern Pannonia are critically commented upon. The sub-themes selected for comments are the following: provincial borders in their territorial and chronological frame, the state of knowledge of south-Pannonian archaeology, and chosen issues of south-Pannonian archaeology: ethnic and cultural identities, written sources versus archaeology, the military, the coinage, the Marcomannic wars, the Severan period, the "third-century crisis" and Late Antiquity.

southern Pannonia, northern Croatia, Roman archaeology

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Podaci o knjizi

Migotti, Branka

Oxford: Archaeopress



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