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Rotifers in bryophytic meiofauna of the karst running waters (Plitvice Lakes, Croatia) (CROSBI ID 592481)

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Maria Špoljar, Norbert Walz, Biserka Primc, Mladen Kučinić, Tvrtko Dražina Rotifers in bryophytic meiofauna of the karst running waters (Plitvice Lakes, Croatia) // 13th International Rotifer Symposium, Rotifera XIII, Abstracts. / Prof. B.K. Sharma, Prof. H. J. Dumont, Dr. Robert L. Wallace (ur.). Shillong: North-Eastern Hill University Shillong, 2012. str. 25-25

Podaci o odgovornosti

Maria Špoljar, Norbert Walz, Biserka Primc, Mladen Kučinić, Tvrtko Dražina


Rotifers in bryophytic meiofauna of the karst running waters (Plitvice Lakes, Croatia)

The intention of this study was to analyze rotifers contribution in lotic meiofauna of bryophytic habitats in karst running waters along the longitudinal profile of Plitvice Lakes (Croatia). We choose three hydromorphologically different sampling stretches: 1) a channel with low inclination ; 2) small cascade with low inclination and 3) a channel with cascades and sharp inclination. On each stretch we distinguished two microhabitats, fast and slow flow velocity. Rotifers, particularly bdelloids, and nematodes were established as most abundant meiofaunal groups in bryophytic microhabitats. The results of our study suggest that flow velocity, as main stressor of lotic habitats governed the differences of monogonont and bdelloid rotifers assemblage among the lotic stretches and between microhabitats. The positive correlation between bdelloid density and flow velocity explains their statistically significant higher density at high water currents. Food supplies, expressed through the ultra fine particulated organic matter, positively influenced on rotifers density as well on increasing population of other meiofaunal groups, i.e. nematodes. We connected bdelloids rheophilic tendency to their food preferences for ultra fine organic particles providing flourescent beads experiments. The results also indicate that bdelloids occupy bryophytic microhabitats with higher flow velocity as long bryophytes represent suitable surfaces and ensure constant inflow of higher food concentration.

Plitvice Lakes; seston; protozoa; nematodes; flow velocity; food resourses

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Prof. B.K. Sharma, Prof. H. J. Dumont, Dr. Robert L. Wallace

Shillong: North-Eastern Hill University Shillong

Podaci o skupu

13th International Rotifer symposium, Rotifera XIII



Shillong, Indija

Povezanost rada
