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Compressible fluid - an alternative concept within CSSM? (CROSBI ID 593160)

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Ivšić, Tomislav ; Gojmerac Ivšić, Astrid Compressible fluid - an alternative concept within CSSM? // Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials: Advances and New Applications / Qiang Yang, Jian-Min Zhang, Hong Zheng, Yangping Yao (ur.). Peking: Springer, 2013. str. 179-184

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Ivšić, Tomislav ; Gojmerac Ivšić, Astrid


Compressible fluid - an alternative concept within CSSM?

In the paper an attempt to introduce an alternative concept for pressure-volume behavior of sands is presented. It is motivated by analogy between sand body and compressible fluid. Included is a brief description of methodology used for developing the concept, which is also applied to current and possible future research topics. The short overview of main findings is outlined with discussion and comments on possible implications for actual understanding of pressure-volume relations. The basic expected relation for studying the stress-strain relations is discussed, and, also, the possible relation between Critical State line and isotropic compression line coming from the proposed model is presented. The need for comprehensive and reliable experimental data is strongly emphasized.

mineral sand; Critical State; van der Waals fluid

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Qiang Yang, Jian-Min Zhang, Hong Zheng, Yangping Yao

Peking: Springer


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Kemija, Građevinarstvo