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Comparison of equivalence tests for PM samplers (CROSBI ID 593590)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Bešlić, Ivan ; Šega, Krešimir ; Godec, Ranka ; Davila, Silvije Comparison of equivalence tests for PM samplers // Abstracts of the 4th International Symposium & IUAPPA Regional Conference "Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales / Incecik, Selahattin ; Kahya, Ceyhan (ur.). Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University (ITU) ; Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution and Control (TUNCAP), 2012. str. 124-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Bešlić, Ivan ; Šega, Krešimir ; Godec, Ranka ; Davila, Silvije


Comparison of equivalence tests for PM samplers

Daily PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 samples were collected simultaneously by referent and home made samplers during 2010 on different types of quartz filters. Study compares different samplers and different quartz filters according to the procedure defined by European standard EN 12341, as well as by the equivalence test utility software developed in Dutch Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM). Investigation showed that results are not dependent on filter brand and type and the way of their preparation before sampling. Non-referent home made samplers passed comparability test according to EN 12341 for all investigated particle fractions as well as equivalence test performed by utility software. The main contribution of this investigation is applicability of equivalence test utility software on particle fraction samplers in spite of the fact that it was basically developed for equivalence testing of automatic samplers. In addition, calibration procedure defined in utility software is fully applicable for the correction of the results obtained by non-referent samplers.

EN 12341; equivalence test utility software; gravimetric method

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Incecik, Selahattin ; Kahya, Ceyhan

Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University (ITU) ; Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution and Control (TUNCAP)

Podaci o skupu

4th International Symposium & IUAPPA Regional Conference "Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales



Istanbul, Turska

Povezanost rada

Fizika, Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita