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Comparision of the Sheet Quality Bending in Digital and Offset Printing (CROSBI ID 478829)

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Babić, Darko ; Marošević, Grozdan Comparision of the Sheet Quality Bending in Digital and Offset Printing // Advances in printing science and technology volume 27 : advances in paper and board performance : proceedings of the 27th research conference of IARIGAI. Leatherhead: Pira International, 2001. str. 2.2-1-2.2-6

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Babić, Darko ; Marošević, Grozdan


Comparision of the Sheet Quality Bending in Digital and Offset Printing

The investigations comprise the qualitative evaluation of the fold of the printed sheets in digital and offset printing. The folding is performed by the ordinary industrial folding machine. The folds are chosen on the spots of four colour prints or on the spots with so-lid tint. The qualitative evaluation is perfor-med by observing through the twelve-fold magnifying glass. The damages which app-eared on the folds were shoot by the image analyser Leco Corp. 2001 and were presen-ted in the article.

digital printing; offset printing; sheet folding

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