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Drying temperature influence on the aroma retention in biopolymer based-edible films (CROSBI ID 593981)

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Kurek, Mia ; Voilley, Andree ; Galić, Kata ; Debeaufort, Frederic Drying temperature influence on the aroma retention in biopolymer based-edible films // Book of abstracts 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists. Zaprešić, 2011

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Kurek, Mia ; Voilley, Andree ; Galić, Kata ; Debeaufort, Frederic


Drying temperature influence on the aroma retention in biopolymer based-edible films

The objective is to better understand the impact of both the drying temperature and additive nature on natural biopolymer properties and bio-active aroma compound retention.

aroma compuds; bio-based polymers; packaging films; drying

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7th International Congress of Food Technologists, biotechnologists and nutritionists



Opatija, Hrvatska

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Prehrambena tehnologija