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izvor podataka: crosbi

Creation of Networks vs. National Tourism Organization – Croatian Experience (CROSBI ID 593995)

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Magaš, Dragan ; Meler, Marcel Creation of Networks vs. National Tourism Organization – Croatian Experience // International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research "Economics, Marketing and Management" / Han, Yan (ur.). Singapur: International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology Press, 2013. str. 131-135

Podaci o odgovornosti

Magaš, Dragan ; Meler, Marcel


Creation of Networks vs. National Tourism Organization – Croatian Experience

Having in mind the objectives and tasks of destination management in the Republic of Croatia, the question arises whether the existing system of tourist boards is capable of performing this type of tasks and to deal with necessary changes required by the current situation. Organizations dealing with destination marketing and destination management must be efficient not only in communication with consumers, but they should also communicate efficiently with all stakeholders involved in the integral product of a tourism destination. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how normative assumptions, which are used today to regulate the work of tourist boards system, have become a limiting factor for further development of tourism destinations. The paper uses the example of the national tourism organization which is limited by legal framework since it should most definitely change its role by directing its activities toward the creation of a destination experience, i.e. move from a destination marketing phase to destination management.

competitiveness ; cooperation ; interest groups ; learning organization ; networks ; destination marketing ; destination management

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Han, Yan

Singapur: International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology Press


Podaci o skupu

2013 2nd International Conference on Economics, Marketing and Management (ICEMM 2013)



Dubai, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati

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