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Thermomineral water of Lipik (CROSBI ID 596538)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Senta Marić, Ankica ; Čepelak, Radovan ; Andabaka, Damir ; Doko-Jelinić, Jagoda Thermomineral water of Lipik // Sečovelske soline kot znanstvenoraziskovalni in izobrežovalni bazen = Sečovelje salina as a scientific and educational basin / Lipej, Lovrenc ; Kovač, Nives ; Glavaš, Neli (ur.). Sečoveljske soline: nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Morska biološka postaja, 2012. str. 32-32

Podaci o odgovornosti

Senta Marić, Ankica ; Čepelak, Radovan ; Andabaka, Damir ; Doko-Jelinić, Jagoda


Thermomineral water of Lipik

Lipik thermal water was used since Roman times for healing sick and relaxation of healthy people. First analysis dates back in 1777. (Krantz). Spa in Lipik is around 300 years old and controlled balneotherapy starts in 1876. There were four natural sources and today the water is used from 234.7 depth with 17, 4 l/s flow. Based on geological research lipik thermal water is aproximatly 37000 years old. From 1860 Lipik starts to develop as a spa. In past, therapeutic effect of thermomineral water was asigned to temperature and iodide. Water was used for drinking, bathing, inhalation, enrichement of mud ceiling and as evaporated Lipik spa salt. Today, main indication are neurological diseases, post-traumatic conditions, rheumatic diseases and condition after operation of the movement system. According to balneologic analysis water is characterized by temperature, amount of fluoride and content of dominant ions sodium, bicarbonate and chloride. Nowadays Lipik spa is reconstructing buildings with the wish to gain appearance that existed before war in Croatia. Continuity of the mineral content in water is shown from the first analysis. Temperature is between 31-64oC, amount of fluoride from 5.5-11.2 mg/l, mineralization is now around 3100-3200 mg/l and the amount of natural carbon dioxide is from 331.4 to 1251.7 mg/l. Concentration of iodide is interesting, because first analysis were indicating relatively high results from 35 mg/l until resent 0.123 mg/l, and water has no longer iodide character. According to balneological classification made in 2009 the water in Lipik spa is mineral, fluoride, sodium-bicarbonate-chloride, hot water.

thermomineral water; Spa Lipik; balneology;

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Lipej, Lovrenc ; Kovač, Nives ; Glavaš, Neli

Sečoveljske soline: nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Morska biološka postaja


Podaci o skupu

1. mednaredni znanstveni sestenek Sečoveljske soline kot znanstvenoraziskovalni in izobrežovalni bazen



Krajinski park Sečoveljske soline, Slovenija

Povezanost rada

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