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Book of Abstracts: Relevance of the European External Action Service for the EU’s policies towards South East Europe (CROSBI ID 772391)

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Butković, Hrvoje Book of Abstracts: Relevance of the European External Action Service for the EU’s policies towards South East Europe // Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO). 2013.

Podaci o odgovornosti

Butković, Hrvoje


Book of Abstracts: Relevance of the European External Action Service for the EU’s policies towards South East Europe

Uređivanje knjige sažetaka sa međunarodne znanstvene radionice "Relevance of the European External Action Service for the EU’s policies towards South East Europe" održane u Dubrovniku 5. listopada 2012. u sklopu međunarodnog ERASMUS projekta.

European Union; European External Action Service; South Eastern Europe; enlargement

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Podaci o izdanju

Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)


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Povezanost rada

Ekonomija, Pravo, Politologija
