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Multi-annual investigation of the spatial distributions of juvenile and adult sole (Solea solea, L.) in the Adriatic Sea (Northern Mediterranean) (CROSBI ID 193096)

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Grati, Fabio ; Scarcella, Giuseppe ; Polidori, Piero ; Domenichetti, Filippo ; Bolognini, Luca ; Gramolini, Roberto ; Vasapollo, Claudio ; Govanardi, Otello Raicevich, Sasa ; Celić, Igor ; Vrgoč, Nedo et al. Multi-annual investigation of the spatial distributions of juvenile and adult sole (Solea solea, L.) in the Adriatic Sea (Northern Mediterranean) // Journal of sea research, 84 (2013), 122-132. doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2013.05.001

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Grati, Fabio ; Scarcella, Giuseppe ; Polidori, Piero ; Domenichetti, Filippo ; Bolognini, Luca ; Gramolini, Roberto ; Vasapollo, Claudio ; Govanardi, Otello Raicevich, Sasa ; Celić, Igor ; Vrgoč, Nedo ; Isajlović, Igor ; Jenič, Aljaž ; Marčeta, Bojan ; Fabi, Gianna


Multi-annual investigation of the spatial distributions of juvenile and adult sole (Solea solea, L.) in the Adriatic Sea (Northern Mediterranean)

The common sole (Solea solea) is one of the most important demersal resources in the northern and central Adriatic Sea (GFCM GSA 17). Landings from this basin make up around 23% of the overall Mediterranean and Black Sea production. Despite the economic relevance of sole in the Adriatic Sea, and its inherent property of being shared among three countries (i.e. Italy, Slovenia and Croatia), studies on its spatial distribution are scarce and aged. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the spatial distribution and investigate the dynamics of this species in the GSA 17. Samples of common sole were collected in the framework of yearly rapido trawl surveys (SoleMon), during late autumn, from 2005 to 2010, i.e. the spawning season of common sole in the Adriatic. Results highlighted that juveniles are mostly concentrated in shallow water (0-30m depth) along the Italian coast and their spatial distribution persisted along the sampled years. By contrast adults were mainly distributed in the central/eastern part of the basin at depths > 30m. As a result of the different spatial distribution, juveniles are exploited exclusively by Italian vessels, especially by beam trawlers (i.e. rapido trawl), while adults are caught by Croatian and Slovenian fishing fleets in their respective national waters and by the Italian fleet operating in international waters. These results, while shedding light on the common sole spatial ecology in the Adriatic, represent crucial information for the setting of international collaboration for a rational spatial-based management of the resource.

Solea solea; Adriatic Sea; spatial pattern; migration

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Biotehnologija, Biologija
