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The role of entrepreneurial organizational design in maximizing the contribution of employee environment information harvesting (CROSBI ID 597477)

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Alpeza, Mirela The role of entrepreneurial organizational design in maximizing the contribution of employee environment information harvesting // Driving forces of creating global ventures / Rebernik, Miroslav ; Bradač Hojnik, Barbara ; Rus, Matej (ur.). Maribor: IRP Institute for Entrepreneurship Research, 2011. str. 7-22

Podaci o odgovornosti

Alpeza, Mirela


The role of entrepreneurial organizational design in maximizing the contribution of employee environment information harvesting

Contemporary market conditions impose the importance of gathering of ever greater amounts of information from the environment. Need of the company for unique, fresh, and often, for business operations of a particular company, characteristic information promotes primary sources of information to the foreground, and makes employees who are in direct contact with stakeholders the main subjects of such a process of environmental scanning. The objective of this research is to explore the importance of company's entrepreneurial design for harvesting its employee information potential. This paper will propose the DePSO model - model of decentralization of environmental scanning process, which is based in the concept of organisational porosity and identifies key aspects of organisational design important for employee information harvesting: organisational structure, organisational culture, motivation system and internal communication system.

environmental scanning; entrepreneurial organisational design; employee information

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Rebernik, Miroslav ; Bradač Hojnik, Barbara ; Rus, Matej

Maribor: IRP Institute for Entrepreneurship Research


Podaci o skupu

31st Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Maribor



Maribor, Slovenija

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