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A P300–Based Brain–Computer Interface: Towards a Simpler Approach (CROSBI ID 597932)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Melinščak, Filip ; Jerbić, Ana Branka ; Cifrek, Mario A P300–Based Brain–Computer Interface: Towards a Simpler Approach // Proceedings of the 36th International Convention MIPRO 2013 / Biljanovic, Petar (ur.). Rijeka, 2013. str. 1049-1052

Podaci o odgovornosti

Melinščak, Filip ; Jerbić, Ana Branka ; Cifrek, Mario


A P300–Based Brain–Computer Interface: Towards a Simpler Approach

Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) allow new ways of communication with computers, independent of the normal neuromuscular pathways. One of the neural mechanisms which can be used in a BCI is the P300 wave. In this paper we focused on the realization of an EEG–based P300 speller application. We used the data set IIb from the BCI Competition 2003. The results achieved with simple methods – using only six electrodes and linear classification – surpass those achieved in the competition. The system achieves full accuracy with four repetitions of the stimuli sequence, and 8.4 seconds are needed to select a symbol.

Brain-computer interface; P300 speller

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Biljanovic, Petar



Podaci o skupu

36th international convention MIPRO 2013



Opatija, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
