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Students' and Teachers' Atitudes on Building a Curriculum of Extracuricular Activities in Lower Primary Schools (CROSBI ID 194345)

Prilog u časopisu | pregledni rad (znanstveni)

Mlinarević, Vesnica ; Matanović, Sanja Students' and Teachers' Atitudes on Building a Curriculum of Extracuricular Activities in Lower Primary Schools // Školski vjesnik : časopis za pedagoška i školska pitanja, 62 (2013), 2-3; 327-348

Podaci o odgovornosti

Mlinarević, Vesnica ; Matanović, Sanja


Students' and Teachers' Atitudes on Building a Curriculum of Extracuricular Activities in Lower Primary Schools

Extracurricular activities encourage a child's integral development, creative abilities and interests. In school, all students opt for an extracurricular activity according to their abilities, needs and interests. A determinant of freedom of choice regarding student's choice of an extracurricular activity respects the educational needs of every child, student and adult ; the need to respect each child's school needs and interests. Variety regarding the content of extracurricular activities and their possibility of adaptation to the needs and desires of specific educational institution provide an opportunity for individual development of students and teachers. This papar presents the views of 103 students and 23 teachers on building a curriculum of extracurricular activities during the school year 2011/2012 in three rural and three urban primary schools in Brod-Posavina County. The research results gave an insight into the number of extracurricular activities, into students and teachers' satisfaction with the choice of extracurricular activities, into possibilities of proposing new extracurricular activities and into reason for the inclusion of students and teachers in extracurricular activities.

students; curriculum; extracurricular activities; teachers; primary school

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Podaci o izdanju

62 (2-3)





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