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The Pursuit of Truth in Contemporary Civil Procedure: Revival of Accuracy or a New Balance in Favour of Effectiveness? (CROSBI ID 48773)

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C.H. van Rhee ; A. Uzelac The Pursuit of Truth in Contemporary Civil Procedure: Revival of Accuracy or a New Balance in Favour of Effectiveness? // Truth and Efficiency in Civil Litigation. Fundamental Aspects of Fact-finding and Evidence- taking in a Comparative Context / C.H. van Rhee ; A. Uzelac (ur.). Cambridge : Antwerpen : Portland: Intersentia, 2012. str. 3-10

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C.H. van Rhee ; A. Uzelac


The Pursuit of Truth in Contemporary Civil Procedure: Revival of Accuracy or a New Balance in Favour of Effectiveness?

This paper summarizes the results of the research collected in the book edited by the authors. The main elements of the interplay between truth and evidence taking in the context of contemporary civil justice systems are being discussed and presented.

evidence, accuracy, fact-finding, civil litigation, civil procedure, truth, efficiency

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C.H. van Rhee ; A. Uzelac

Cambridge : Antwerpen : Portland: Intersentia



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