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The Cult of Sol Invictus and Early Christanity in Aquae Iasae (Pannonia Savia) (CROSBI ID 49036)

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Migotti, Branka The Cult of Sol Invictus and Early Christanity in Aquae Iasae (Pannonia Savia) // Pagans and Christians in the Late Roman Empire / Ságy, Marianne ; Schoolman, Edward (ur.). Budimpešta: Central European University (CEU Press), 2017. str. 133-149

Podaci o odgovornosti

Migotti, Branka


The Cult of Sol Invictus and Early Christanity in Aquae Iasae (Pannonia Savia)

A tolerant religious policy of Constantine the Great is illustrated on the example of 2 components of the social and religious life in Aqae Iasae: 1. the worship of Sol ; 2. the relationship between the Capitolium and the thermal basilica, turned subsequently into a Christian church. On balance, it is very probable that the Christian service was in Aquae Iasae taking place already in the period of Constantine the Great, and simultaneously with the worship in the Capitolium. Also, but this very hypothetically, it can be presumed that, based mostly on the epigraphy, Aquae Iasae counts among those settlements whose Christianity possibly originated in the cult of Sol Invictus, in contradistinction to more numerous places where the path to Christianity was prepared by Judaism and/or oriental mistery cults.

Sol Invictus ; Early Christianity ; Aquae Iasae ; Pannonia Savia

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Podaci o knjizi

Ságy, Marianne ; Schoolman, Edward

Budimpešta: Central European University (CEU Press)



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