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Multilingualism and language learning for lawyers: EU objectives and Croatian reality (CROSBI ID 602520)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Sočanac, Lelija ; Lukica, Ivana Multilingualism and language learning for lawyers: EU objectives and Croatian reality // Language Issues in EU Law in the Light of Croatian Accession / Šarčević, Susan (ur.). Opatija: Jean Monnet Inter-University Centre of Excellence, 2013. str. 2-2

Podaci o odgovornosti

Sočanac, Lelija ; Lukica, Ivana


Multilingualism and language learning for lawyers: EU objectives and Croatian reality

The paper outlines the EU language policies in multilingualism and linguistic diversity. Since their diffeent strands can be brought together in the domain of education, evolving approaches to language learning have been presented, focusing on the higher education and lifelong learning in general, and on the importance of multilingualism in the education of lawyers in particular. Finally, the results of a survey carried out among law students and legal practitioners are presented.

multilingualism; language learning; law; EU; Croatia

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Šarčević, Susan

Opatija: Jean Monnet Inter-University Centre of Excellence


Podaci o skupu

Language Issues in EU Law in the Light of Croatian Accession



Opatija, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
