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Chapter 31C: Worked sherds and ceramic discs (CROSBI ID 49202)

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Ugarković, Marina Chapter 31C: Worked sherds and ceramic discs // The settlement at Dhaskalio: The sanctuary on Keros, and the origins of Aegean ritual practice Volume I / Renfrew, Colin ; Philaniotou, Olga ; Brodie, Neil et al. (ur.). Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, 2013. str. 652-656

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Ugarković, Marina


Chapter 31C: Worked sherds and ceramic discs

Keros, in modern days a small and uninhabited island, part of the southern Cycladic islands, is today established as a locality of an important ritual centre in the Aegean, active during the Early Bronze Age- in the mid third Millenium BC, apparently the first of such kind whose significance overcame the local meaning. The archaeological investigations conducted under the Cambridge Keros project in the period from 2006- 2008 discovered that an the 90 m offshore islet , Dhaskaleio, was a location of an Early Bronze Age settlement. The excavations of Dhaskaleio settlement produced a number of finds made from recycled potsherds. These were reworked in their present shape that include triangular, rounded, oval and disk-like form, and finished to fit their use.

Aegean Early Bronze Age settlement, Cyclades, Keros and Dhaskaleio, material culture, worked ceramic sherds, ceramic discs

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Podaci o knjizi

Renfrew, Colin ; Philaniotou, Olga ; Brodie, Neil ; Gavalas, Giorgos ; Boyd, Michael J.

Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge



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