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Use Of Biopolym Granulate As A Feed Additive In Intensive Fattening Piggeries (CROSBI ID 480207)

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Tofant, Alenka ; Vučemilo, Marija ; Barač, Ivan ; Mamić, Stojko Use Of Biopolym Granulate As A Feed Additive In Intensive Fattening Piggeries // Environmental protection and animal welfare / Amon, Marko (ur.). Ljubljana: Slovenian Veterinary Association Department for Environmental Hy, 1999. str. 37-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Tofant, Alenka ; Vučemilo, Marija ; Barač, Ivan ; Mamić, Stojko


Use Of Biopolym Granulate As A Feed Additive In Intensive Fattening Piggeries

Investigations were carried out in a high-capacity pig feedlot. Beside other microclimate parameters and housing system, the concentration of ammonia in the stall air has a great impact on animal welfare, health and performance. Odour problems resulting from the concentration of ammonia and other gases released from animal houses also exert a negative effect on the immediate surroundings. The effect of a feed additive, Biopolym Ž granulate, a sodium alginate obtained from marine alga Ascophyllum nodosum, was observed in edition to other measures taken to solve the problems of ammonia emission from pig excrements. The Biopolym granulate feed additive was added to the diet of the treated groups of pigs, 0.5 kg granulate per 1000 kg of feed mixture, during the 3 – month study period. In order to determine the additive effect, the ammonia concentration in the air and microclimate parameters (to confirm similar housing conditions in the control and experimental group) were measured weekly. Results of the study proved the ammonia emission reducing effect of the additive in the experimental houses. The addition of sodium alginate led to an ammonia release reduced by about 80 %. Another effect was lower mortality observed in the experimental group, which could be attributed to the feed additive, as it was a variable that might influence the animal health and mortality.

feed additive; Biopolym granulate; ammonia; animal health

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Amon, Marko

Ljubljana: Slovenian Veterinary Association Department for Environmental Hy

Podaci o skupu

11th "in between" Symposium of the International Society for Animal Hygiene



Postojna, Slovenija

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