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Project Monitoring and Control In Model-Driven and Component-Based Development of Embedded Systems : The CARMA Principle and Preliminary Results (CROSBI ID 604765)

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Land, Rikard ; Carlson, Jan ; Larsson, Stig ; Crnković, Ivica Project Monitoring and Control In Model-Driven and Component-Based Development of Embedded Systems : The CARMA Principle and Preliminary Results // Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering. SCITEPRESS, 2010

Podaci o odgovornosti

Land, Rikard ; Carlson, Jan ; Larsson, Stig ; Crnković, Ivica


Project Monitoring and Control In Model-Driven and Component-Based Development of Embedded Systems : The CARMA Principle and Preliminary Results

This position paper describes how the combination of the Model-Driven Development (MDD) and Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) paradigms can support project monitoring and control, and project risk reduction. The core principle for this is articulated and named CARMA, and our research agenda and preliminary results are described. Through interviews, industry input, process simulation, tool implementation and pilot projects, and describing an extension of CMMI, we are exploring the CARMA principle in order to provide guidelines for MDD/CBSE projects.

Model-Driven Development; Component-Based Software Engineering; Project Monitoring and Control; Risk management; CMMI; Empirical Studies

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Podaci o skupu

5th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering



Atena, Grčka

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